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The Century Girl


SKU: 18AMSM05 Category:


This is a photocopy of the original “The Century Girl.” It is pure pre-Ziegfeld Follies  written by Victor Herbert. Florenz Ziegfeld first produced a work with Herbert entitled The Century Girl in 1916. His co-producer on the work was longtime Herbert producer Charles B. Dillingham. One of the more fascinating aspects of this production was the fact that it had two (2) composers: Victor Herbert and Irving Berlin.  Yes, you read correctly. Herbert handled the huge production numbers of which “The Century Girl” was one, while Berlin handled the smaller numbers and sketches. When you choose this number think girls, girls and more girls! The key signature is E♭ Major and ranges from E♮ to G.  Henry Blossom contributed the lyrics to this melody.


Sample The Century Girl

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Author: vherbert

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