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Orange Blossoms


SKU: 09AMLIB03 Category:


This is a clean typed copy of Victor Herbert’s “comedy with music” — Orange Blossoms, created during the summer of 1922 for an opening in New York on September 19 at the Fulton Theatre.  This is a Fred deGresac (female playwright) and Francois de Croisset play originally entitled La Passerelle.  Cosmo Gordon-Lennox translated it into The Marriage of Kitty and presented it in London in 1902 and New York in 1903 and 1914.The piano/vocal is available in the Shop VHSource P/V section.  B.G. de Sylva wrote the lyrics for the Herbert version and Fred de Gresac was credited with the book.  Norman Bel Geddes did the scenery and Paul Poiret the costumes.  Edith Day starred as Kitty.  It’s hit song is “A Kiss In The Dark”.  The existing libretto photocopy was extremely difficult to read and impossible to scan.  This is a clean-typed version with no editing other than the omission of some prose descriptions of songs.You may also download a CD of the whole show in the Herbert CD portion of Shop VHSource.  Done by The Comic Opera Guild of Ann Arbor it features two pianos, soloists and chorus and is excellent as a research recording.  Orange Blossoms Lib

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