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SKU: 08AMPV02 Category:


Public Domain – Piano/Vocal of the second opera written by Herbert – the 1914 50-minute one act, Madeleine. Having written his grand opera, Natoma, in 1911, Herbert next wrote this purely experimental piece featuring a famous opera singer, alone on New Year’s Eve but determined NOT to dine alone. Three potential dinner partners drop by only to decline because “this is my one night with my mother.” There is only a tiny chorus of servants.

This is a clean unmarked piano/vocal.  It is not the one to use if you are going to utilize the full orchestration found under the Orchestration Section of Shop VHSource.  If you wish to peruse the PV which matches the available orchestra parts, purchase the Madeline PV Annotated.

If you are looking for a small opera for a class or workshop project, be sure to check out this little gem.

Madeleine PV

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Author: vherbert

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