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Letters I Write All Day


SKU: 10AMSM19 Category:


This is a photocopy of the original 1903 piano vocal score for “Letters I Write All Day” from Herbert’s Babette (1903)which starred Fritzi Scheff in the first of four operettas Herbert wrote for her. Read all about this operetta in Vol 6 June 10 issue of the VHSource Newsletter. This is Ms. Scheff’s first song in the key of G moving to B flat.  It’s range is from middle C to B flat and is an acting song as the character of Babette sings about and shows the audience the different characters for whom she writes letters.  Middle section particularly low for a coloratura – think “Kiss Me again” in “If I Were On The Stage” although this section is much more sustainably low. Again this is a style and acting song while the big number showy piece from the same show is “Where The Fairest Flow’rs Are Blooming” (also available in Shop VHSource.)

Letters I Write PV


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