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Land of My Own Romance


SKU: 11AMPV08 Category:


This is a Public Domain photocopy of the original piano/vocal of the song “Land of My Own Romance” from the Herbert operetta The Enchantress (1911). It was sung by Kitty Gordon who played Vivien the leading lady for this work.  This is Vivien’s Entrance Song and as such is a very complicated piece with recitative and chorus in the first 6 pages.  The actual version and refrain of “Land of My Own Romance” does not begin until page 7.  The primary key for this song is C and the range is E to high A.  Ms. Gordon was simply a soprano, not a coloratura. We give you the entire number so that you may use exactly what you need and you may also understand how the whole song fits together. For more information on this operetta please refer to Vol 10 Oct 11 – Enchantress.

Land of My Own Romance PV – this sample has the first 3-4 pages and then page 6 is the chorus of “Land of My Own Romance” only.

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Author: vherbert

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