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I Want What I Want


SKU: 08BHPK03 Category:


Public Domain, computerized complete performance package for the song “I Want What I Want When I Want It” for Bass from the 1905 Victor Herbert operetta Mlle Modiste. Originally sung by the Count in the operetta, it is a great song for Bass or Bass-Baritone voice.

This contains all needed performance materials.  However, if you may also buy the pieces separately if you already have some materials – go to either Individual Songs or Orchestrations Sections of the Store. This is a clean, Finale computer version of the song done in 2003 and updated in 2008 by Bruce Herman from the original Herbert scores and published Piano/Vocal.Mr. Herman also has the complete libretto, pv, scores and orchestral parts for Mlle Modiste available.

I Want What I Want PV

I Want What I Want Score

I Want What I Want Orch Parts

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Author: vherbert

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