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Gypsy Love Song PKG


SKU: 19QWPKG01 Category:


Here is everything you need to add Herbert’s “Gypsy Love Song” from the 1898 The Fortune Teller to you concert offerings.  You find the piano vocal score, a full orchestral score and all the orchestra parts.  NOTE:  There is no oboe, no trumpets, no trombone and no harp in this scoring.  That is not in error.

Gypsy Love Song PV

Score and Orchestra Parts Sample Gypsy Love Song

This song is in the Public Domain, so once you have purchased it, you now own it and have all rights needed to perform it.  This means you may also transpose if need be. VHSource does not transpose for two reasons:  Victor Herbert would not have approved and we do not have the staff for transposition.

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